A wonderful big budget sci-fi film that many have called basically a remake of Earth vs. the Flying Saucer. Whatever you call it, it's a hell of a ride. This film works on many levels, especially in my view as a war movie. After the aliens level a few choice cities around the world, the president rallies up earth's forces and the fight to save earth is on. This to me turned the movie into a war film. Of course before all this we get some great scenes as the aliens come to our planet and hang around over major cities and landmarks. What do they want? Is it our great moment of meeting a new race of beings for the 1st time? Are they friendly beings here to help us and share their culture and technologies? Hell nah, they've come to blow our asses away,drain our planet dry, and move on. It would have been nice if the Jeff Goldblum had figured that part out when he realized the signal being sent out from the space ships was a countdown. Will Smith plays a pilot in a break through role for him. He manages to shoot down and bring one of the ugly suckers in for testing,getting himself in the middle of everything. There's plenty of action, great FX, priceless dialog, and of course a happy ending for human kind. The aliens really aren't all that impressive once taken out of their ships and armor. Randy Quaid has a great role as a supposed loony pilot. A modern day classic for sci-fi and warmongers alike offering all that a Hollywood oversized budget can showcase.