Movie Review by The Drug Stuffed Corpse
Directed by Nigel Hartwell
To avoid a plodding start that would have you stumble through tedious character development, Insight Of Evil (un)wisely bestows each actor with a 2 to 3 word blurb before introducing the stereotype; flensed away into a three-word synopsis, a group of teens head up to the cottage for a weekend of drinking, drugs and innocent debauchery. Unfortunately for them a malevolent force appears to be master over the cottage, woods and lake. The force (one of the girls' twin sister who was raped and murdered) has apparently seen Friday The 13th and A Nightmare On Elm Street a few too many times as it can barely muster an original murder. Once dead, the spirit usurps its victims body in search of even more bodies. Now kids - you better be good because director Nigel Hartwell holds dear the typical teen-slasher motif of drinking, drugs and sex lead to painful death; a dynamic Scream used to parody films such as this into a successful franchise. Insight… is a liberal stew of horror-lite violence and wonky character development. I enjoyed the film for its kitsch factor and those who yearn for another pissed-off spirit in the woods flick might too.
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