Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This made for cable four-hour movie, based on the Dean Koontz novel of the same title, definitely lives up to its name. An emotionally wary waitress, portrayed by MOLLY PARKER (KISSED) is invited to go to Thanksgiving dinner with her co-worker friend. She reluctantly agrees and soon comes to enjoy herself, particularly with her friend's handsome brother. That night she awakens to a screaming noise--and she immediately senses someone is in the house. It's a serial killer and he's just killed her friend's entire family. She hides under the bed and wait until he's gone--but she's torn between hiding until he drives away or helping--because of her traumatic childhood when felt helpless--and so ends up hiding within his large silver camper, seemingly unnoticed, witness to several more horrible murders by the maniac. But she can't kill him because she overheard that he's keeping a fifteen year old girl prisoner in his cellar--and the only way to find her is for him to lead her to the child. John C. McGinley portrays the serial killer.
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