Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Billy Zane is an evil immortal confronted by the white warrior, a being of pure goodness. She quickly converts him to her side and from then on he has to try to stop the other evil immortals, called Shadowmen, from destroying the earth by opening a vortex. This vortex can be summoned by reading from an ancient tablet. There's also a group of four humans, chosen before birth, to help him defend life on earth. Each of these people represent one of the elements-fire, water, metal, wind. He trains them within a week to super-beings, able to do lots of martial arts type moves, before the big showdown. Granted, this movie had a fairly low budget but it was used rather creatively, with strange, sparse sets, crazy lighting and most of all an irreverent, tongue-in-cheek script. Imagine HIGHLANDER with a sense of humor and you get the idea. It seemed like this was a pilot for a series in how it ended.
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - 0 votes cast total