Movie Review by The Undertaker
Welcome to Jurassic Park! Those words go down in movie history as opening the door on a wondrous films series that brought the best looking dinosaurs the world has seen in millions of years. One of the great big screen thrill rides of all time to me. I remember seeing this with a slack jaw the whole time years ago as he Fx were just too good. The look and sounds were amazing. This was one of the best laser discs I ever owned to, simply for the T-Rex attack that shook floors and windows. Love the story also, some rich scientist creates a theme park on and island where the main attractions are genetically engineered dinos created from millions of years old dna. Sounds fun to me, and it is, up until the computer system goes wacky and the beast break loose. Then the real fun begins! All these years later, Jurassic Park still reigns as the best giant reptile romp ever.
Rating: 8.2 out of 10.0 - 9 votes cast total