I really dug the graphic novel so it was with a bit of trepidation that I went to the Hollywood movie adaptation. And, of course, my feeling of foreboding was confirmed. They basically took away all of the gritty, "real-life" aspect of the book and then tagged on an entirely new ending for the last third of the movie. An ending that, yes, includes flying. Flying! The biggest failure is the casting of the actors, with two exceptions. Dave Lizewski, in the graphic novel, is a scrappy, small kid. Here, he's portrayed by Aaron Johnson, who has that femmy look all leading guy teenagers have lately, from TWILIGHT to PERCY JACKSON. To top that off, he looks exactly like Albert from the TV series LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE and it's really not good being reminded of that show while trying to watch an action flick. It's distracting. And Nicolas Cage is too over the top as superhero "Big Daddy". You just don't buy it. His new "secret origin" takes the wind out of the character, as well as the point of the story to begin with, which was fantasy superheroes vs. real-life superheroes. The biggest flub, however, is choosing Christopher Mintz-Plasse as Red Mist. Huh? It's not even funny and perhaps that was the intention. This isn't SUPER BAD part II, it's KICK-ASS. I think the producers got confused by this. However, Mark Strong is perfect as mob bad-guy Frank D'Amico and Chloe Moretz is totally awesome as Hit-Girl. It's almost worth enduring the movie for her scenes alone.
If you're going to see this because you loved the book, save your cash and re-read it. If are inkling to see the movie and haven't read the book, well, your loss. It's probably too much work to ask you to do read it, but then again you're reading this review so you CAN read. With KICK-ASS Hollywood once again fucks up the source material--and of course leaves it wide open for the inevitable--and lamer-- sequel.