David Norton (Timothy Hutton of THE DARK SIDE) is a famous science-fiction author who is invited to an island retreat. He goes there with his fiance, Jane, and proposes marriage to her, though she commits that night by leaping from their motel window. But she's not the only one having suicidal urges. There's a rash of them, inclucing Silvia, who also jumps from a building but survives after landing on a canvas awning. Norton and Silvia team up to figure out what is going on--- and it has something to do with the very first novel Norton had written, GLOOMY SUNDAY. In that, the society is able to control people with a computer chip and even make them kill themselves. Now, it's happening for real. Dying scientist Frank Kovak (David Kelly) is the one who has put everything in motion and wants Norton to write his biography as it's Norton's first book that inspired his creation, the 'Kovak Box' to begin with.
This is an intriguing movie, reminding me of an early Cronenberg film. However, the actress who portrays Silvia (Lucia Jiminez) is simply mediocre in the part, not at all on the same level as Hutton and the other actors, which probably makes her performance seem even worse. Still, THE KOVAK BOX is worth checking out.