Krod Mandoon And The Flaming Sword Of Fire (2009)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
It took me about 3 episodes to start warming up to this barbarian comedy, which took a bit too long considering there are only six half hour episodes in all. The premise is that this takes place in some mythical kingdom, though they pretty much talk and behave like modern humans, which is kind of funny. Krod is the not-so-bright would-be hero and he's accompanied by a band of freedom fighters. They include Aneka, an Amazon-like warrior, Zeselryck--a guy who tries to convince everyone he's a wizard, Bruce, the gay guy, and Loquasto, who is this pig-like humanoid who has a bad habit of injuring Krod.
The group's nemesis is Chancellor Dongalor, this piggish villain who is always sentencing people to death. This character steals the show.
The special effects are minimal, though in one episode they dispatch a group of succubi and in another have to escape from the Biclops (bisexual Cyclops). And yes, Krod's sword lights afire every so often.
Rating: 7.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total