Movie Review by The Undertaker
One of the coolest and best kung-Fu/Horror movies ever. This one stars the extremely talented Billy Chong who's skills were right up there with anybody during the late 70's early 80's. This guy had that something special like Bruce Lee & Jackie Chan but for some reason just never became as popular. This is to me his best movie just cause of the spook aspect which works well. You get zombies, vampires, & evil wizards all roled into one crazy flick. Great action mixed with some really campy scares equals a very cool viewing experience. Just seeing vampires fighting like shaolin monks is a riot to me. If you're a fan of old style chop socky kung-fu you have to see it for that element alone. Horror fans will dig the camp.
Rating: 6.0 out of 10.0 - 4 votes cast total