La Blue Girl Volume 3: Lady Ninja (1995)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
Those sexy ladies are back, 5 in all, to try and fight the final ninja battle between their clan and the infamous sex demon fiends. Did I mention all five are very sexy and get ravished in everyway by both male ninjas and nasty tentacled creatures? The slime flows heavy by the end of this one folks. Everybody, especially the viewer, seems happy, I know I was! Aside from the near end scene where all four the chicks are all getting tantalized at once by some super demon thing, my favorite scene had to be that one sexy yellow outfit wearing girl doing some kinda ninja prayer masturbation. She rubs herself through her outfit long before sliding a hand inside it while squeezing those nipples hard crying out about being horny in spite of herself. I kinda felt the same way after watching this flick, except I didn't wear a ninja outfit. By the trilogy's end, things get wild and wet, very wet, thankfully! Another must see movie me thinks. All four ladies get possessed by the sex demons at the end and it's up to sexy Mido to save the day. Not before, of course, getting some slime time with the phallic tentacles as well though. Hell, she was getting off, so I guess she liked it. She manages to get free though and becomes a party pooper, telling the others not to give in to temptation or pleasure. Once all five chicks are free, it's game over for the sex demon ninja freaks, or is it? Great stuff as with the other 3. Check 'em out!
Rating: 5.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total