Las Vegas Serial Killer, The (1987)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
Another Ray Dennis Steckler masterpiece that had me howling in delights.Kinda reminded me of his movie The Hollywood Strngler meets the Skidrow Slaher for some strange reason. This is a true bad film buff classic. I swear the too dumbass crooks in here wear the same shirts for a week. Man they were lousy, couldn't even mug a guy alone. Did manage to steal some big titted joggers pocket book though, hahahaha! The serial killer's a real piece of work also. He's just as goofy as the crooks and twice as ugly. What's with the stareing? hahahahhaha! He does get some hot chicks to disrobe though which gets him 5 stars in my book. Be sure to catch the high action twist ending as well. This one might not be for everyone, but be brave and stay awake til the end!
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