Going into "The Last Exorcism", I wasn't expecting great things; maybe a few jolts and a nice migraine to round off yet another hand-held horror experience - but this thing couldn't even work a few chills into it's suckiness. Needless to say, I'm pretty uninterested in the whole "found footage" gimmick at this point - being largely unimpressed with stuff like "Paranormal Activity" and "Quarantine" so "The Last Exorcism" didn't have me overwhelmed with excitement.
The concept is like this: a preacher, making a living from staging exorcisms, is the subject of a documentary focusing on his final outing. The sixteen year old girl showing symptoms of possession turns out to be the real deal (maybe), dampering the preacher's plan for a quick paycheck and tossing him into a satanic connection...
I walked away from this flick feeling very unfulfilled and pissed off by the shitty "Blair Witch"-styled conclusion that simply didn't work. The scenes leading up to it, concerning the possessed girl contorting her body and mocking the preacher were ineffective and usually cut off at an awkward moment before they had a chance to be creepy. Then we get a "Devil's Rain" type of ending that comes out of nowhere and ends just as abruptly and implausibly... If you want a better film of this kind, check out "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" or, of course, "The Exorcist" and leave this steaming pile of horse shit alone...