Legend of Blood Castle, The (1972)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
This movie is also known as Countess Dracula, Lady Dracula, Bloody Ceremony, and The Female Butchers, so I have been told. Whatever the title, it's a pretty good take on the legend (story) of Elizabeth Bathory, everyone's favorite blood-bathing countess. In Legend, she wants to keep her beauty and youth so a strange old worker at her castle gives a few helpful hints on the uses of virgin blood, medicinal uses of course. It's not long before our lovely lady is trying to get the stuff and soak in it at any cost, even accidentally on purpose cutting a child's finger so she can have a quick drop or two. Her bloodlust gets worse and worse, meanwhile hubby has himself turned into a vampire and is preying on the castle's sexiest female workers and local wenches as he can. This Spanish film directed b Jorg Grau is well done and almost as good as some of Hammer's vampire stuff. It does move a bit slow, but overall I found it enjoyable enough to keep watching without hitting FF. If you're a fan of more gothic tinged vampire movies, Legend of Blood Castle might be one you'd wanna put the bite on if you've missed it. Watching a sexy women smear and bathe in fresh blood can be a fun hobby, right?
Rating: 3.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total