Let the Right One In (2008)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This Swedish vampire movie doesn't quite live up to the hype that it's "One of the best vampire movies ever". But it is interesting, if somewhat familiar.
Twelve year old Oskar is a wimpy blonde kid who continually gets picked on by a group of boys. He takes it until he meets Eli, a twelve-year old girl he meets who moved into an apartment next door. They quickly become friends and Oskar finds out that Eli has "been twelve years old for a very long time".
Eli is a vampire and she has the help of an old man named Hakan, who goes out and finds victims and drains their blood for her. But Hakan nearly gets caught and is injured--and she kills him. So without a "Renfield", it's up to Eli to feed herself.
The performances are good and the Eli vampire is creepy, especially those scenes where she is feeding, in which she looks really old. But I found it predictable, as it's obvious she's grooming Oskar to be her next helper.
Rating: 9.4 out of 10.0 - 5 votes cast total