Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This is an interesting documentary from The History Channel, proposing what would happen to the remnants of our civilization after mankind disappears from the earth. It shows what would happen after 1 day up to 10,000 years, primarily through computer-generated effects. For example, most of our roads and cars would be covered up by vegetation after twenty-years, bridges such as The Brooklyn Bridge would collapse from rust after a hundred years, the Eiffel Tower after 150 years, with the Hoover Dam being the last man-made structure to be destroyed after 10,000 years.
The one thing I thought was goofy is that it doesn't say people die off or kill each other, just that they disappear into thin air. One of the first things they show is someone's dog locked in a house, then it getting into the groceries, et cetera, when realistically they'd be eating their former owner's corpse-- and the rats and cockroaches and pigeons that take over the cities would be feasting on our dead bodies, not to mention the swarms of flies. But this program is for television and people don't believe death is going to happen, so they left this out.
Still, it's an interesting documentary, done in the style of THE FUTURE IS WILD, WALKING WITH DINOSAURS, et cetera.
Rating: 5.7 out of 10.0 - 3 votes cast total