Lightning: Bolts of Destruction (2003)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
In this made-for-cable movie Joanna Pakula (THE KISS) is a lightning researcher who comes to the conclusion that the Earth is in trouble from a current bout of electrical storms. What she thinks will happen is that all the hundreds of storms happening around the world will unite into one big storm-and the last time something like this happened was at the advent of the last ice age. Although things fit together unbelievably well-the person who is responsible for her research money works for the government, her genius son devises an electromagnetic pulse contraption (which eventually makes the storms disappear) and her husband, an engineer working up at the magnetic North Pole, is in just such a position to utilize his son's invention--it was an entertaining movie.
Rating: 2.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total