In the opening scene a zombie hunter (Stephen McHattie of Whatever Happened to Rosemary's Baby) and his assistant, Penelope (Emilie Ullerup of Sanctuary) are shooting zombies. A mosquito bites one of the undead and flies away, complete with stupid cartoon sounds, where it eventually becomes a zombie mosquito and repeatedly bites Steve, who is getting married. He, his bride-to-be, sister and her boyfriend, who is his best friend, are all on a retreat to a cabin. After he gets bitten he gets a taste for brains. The first victim is his girlfriend's pet rabbit. Then, the rest of the movie is him trying to deal with becoming a brain-eater and preventing his death by the zombie hunters, who show up.
Zombie comedies usually don't work. The only exceptions I can think of are Wasting Away, Dead Heads and Return of the Living Dead. And this lame zomcom doesn't compare to those.