London After Midnight (2005)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
The newest movie from writer/director Bruce G. Hallenbeck is a homage to the Lovecraft mythos and old television series like THE NIGHT STALKER. David London and Holly Gemini investigate supernatural goings-on, like detectives. When we are first introduced to them in the opening scene, they have infiltrated the Cult of Dagon in order to rescue a young woman-but she doesn't want to be rescued, having joined the cult of her own free will. The investigators end up killing many of cultists and the girl gets away.Soon after, they are contacted by an old friend, who is a doctor of hematology. His son, a recent graduate from college who had decided to investigate a small town where supernatural things are supposed to happen, is reported dead. Yet there's no body. The doctor is sure that this cult is responsible-and London and Gemini go to investigate. A guy named Raven, who looks like a cross between Bud Cort and Scooter McCrae, is the head honcho-and its his intention to bring 'The Goat of the Forest with a thousand young', Shub-Nagaroth, into this world. In order to do this he needs a sacrifice. The doctor's son, who is now a flesh eating zombie kept down in the cellar, was the first person offered, yet the god did not like him. So Raven captures London and intends to sacrifice him after midnight. It's up to Holly, with her psychic ability and knowledge of Kung-fu, to rescue her partner before he's killed.I thought the first fifteen minutes of this film were a bit rough, primarily due to the format in which is was shot, but after this you do get involved in the story. LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT is a fun movie. www.paganfilmproductions.net
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