Movie Review by The Undertaker
This movie can truly be viewed as epic. The costumes, sets, FX, and acting are all top notch. Peter Jackson (director of many a great horror flick) actually pulls it off. If you're a fan of the J.R.R. Tolkien mythos, I doubt you'll be disappointed here. If you never heard of Tolkien and middle earth, this movie might make you wanna read the books for yourself. I can't stress how visually impressive this movie is. They really have created another world here. The two sequels are already filmed and ready and I for one can't wait till December for the Two Towers. Casting Christopher Lee in the role of the grand villain was an awesome move, who would have predicted that? I'm not a huge sword and sorcery type film fan, but I have to admit this thing was cool and even better than the old cartoons we use to watch of this shit when I was a kid. Well made & well worth seeing!
Rating: 9.3 out of 10.0 - 16 votes cast total