Mangler Reborn, The (2005)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
There were some good actors in this movie. Unfortunately, their performances sucked-and I think it just shows what a bad script and direction they had to work with. Aimee Brooks, so good in THE MONSTER MAN, and Reggie Bannister, so entertaining in all of the PHANTASM movies, are simply wasted here. The premise is that a laundry repair man is putting together an old antique washing machine in his house, in an upstairs bedroom, no less, and it possesses him. He goes on his repair jobs and kidnaps the clients, takes them to his house, locks them in one of the rooms until it's time to feed them to the machine. A lot of the movie takes place in this house, going up and down the stairs, trying to escape, et cetera. I can't believe how bad this film is. The worst horror movie of 2005! From Barnholtz Entertainment, the same company that brought us the unwatchable GHOST WATCHER.
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