Movie Review by The Undertaker
Probably the most recognizable Shaw Bros. movie back in the day, putting 70's kung- fu on the map and bald Gordon Liu in the spotlight! This film's great storyline really grabs you and makes you care about what happens to the wanna-be Shaolin monk in training. The training scenes are what make this movie fun, showing all those crazy chambers that he has to go through to become a monk. He masters them all, becoming a master fighter, a master killer. Making the guys carry huge buckets of water with blades attached under the arms was jus to cruel, as was the head-butting chamber. By the end, the poor unlikely student is now the master and wants to make his own chamber to teach the temple's skills to others. Of course, they send him packing, but for a his own good. Gordon Liu became fairly famous for this role and for good reason. He brought a certain something to this and every other movie he worked in. He just looked and moved the way you'd expect a Shaolin monk to fight. Definitely, this a top ten Shaw film list must have, you fight fans need it!
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