Masters of Science-Fiction (2007)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This aired on Network Television, their answer to MASTERS OF HORROR. Of the six episodes, the best stories are A CLEAN ESCAPE, in which a dying, cancer ridden psychiatrist (Judy Davis) is desperately trying to help a patient (Sam Waterston) regain his memory of the past twenty-years. THE AWAKENING is sort of a variation of THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, with aliens arriving on Earth with a message of peace. The worst episodes are JERRY WAS A MAN, about a trazillionaire couple (one of them a really irritating Anne Heche) who adopt a humanoid flesh robot and WATCHBIRD, in which Sean Astin is a scientist who creates bird robots to enforce the law. Unfortunately, these could be replaceable with any OUTER LIMITS episode.
Stephen Hawking does the voice-over at the beginning, which may have been a cool idea but is a horrible mistake. That robot voice is too goofy. He should definitely keep his day job.
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