Movie Review by The Undertaker
When I heard about this movie many years ago, I first asked, 'What the hell is a Feeble?' Many years and viewings later, I'm happy to have met the Feebles. Imagine an r to x-rated muppet show and basically you have Meet the Feebles. It's filled with some wonderfully deranged characters, each with it's own personal problem it seems. Of course, it's a helluva lot gorier, dirtier, and more adult than you could ever imagine the muppet show as. When Wrobert gets a chance to join the cast of the Feebles Variety Hour, he has no idea what he has walked into, poor fellow. There's drug abuse, rampant sex, illegal goings-on courtesy of the big boss, a sex addict rabbit, and a hippo diva that's battling a cat for her man's attention. Meet has so much drama and bizarre stuff goings on you have to own it. The end makes Rambo look like a pussy compared to that machine gun toting hippo chick. As silly and insane as this whole film is, it does work perfectly and has a hypnotizing effect on all who view it. Meet makes a great party tape also. Just pop this in for some strange looks and some sure-fire laughs. The scene with the fly who's a reporter hiding in the toilet eating shit to get the scoop on the sex happy rabbit who's caught AIDS is just plain sick. I won't say this is better than Bad Taste 'cause it's not quite as gory, but it sure is a lot of fun and the fact that it's so different from most movies cause of the puppet angle makes it a genuine cult item if you ask me. After all the blood settles and the funny scenes play out, it basically boils down to a love story. Oh yeah and it's got puppet porn and a gay fox singing that immortal showstopper 'Sodomy'. You have to Meet the Feebles if you haven't yet!
Rating: 7.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total