A man named Roy (Dylan McDermott) moves to North Dakota from Chicago with his family to farm sunflowers, with the intention of "starting over again". It's hinted at that his sixteen-year-old daughter Jess (Kristin Stewart) has caused some major problem and that she's not entirely trustworthy. In one scene in which the husband has to go to the hospital, the mother (Penelope Ann Miller is extremely hesitant about letting Jess watch over her two-year-old brother.
The movie immediately establishes that the boy can see the horrible-looking spirits that inhabit the house - which may be out to harm them. As the movie progresses Jess starts seeing them as well. But it's the "Girl Who Cried Wolf" and no one believes her until it's nearly too late. These ghosts are also affecting all of the crows that feed in the area and even attack their handyman (John Corbett).
Kristin Stewart carries the movie well, though the story is extremely simple and not all that surprising. I saw that "twist ending" a mile away