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Miracles (2003)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger

Miracles (2003) This is one of the best supernatural themed shows to air on American television, though it was hardly seen by anyone in its original run because it was pre-empted by news about the war in Iraq.Paul Callen (Skeet Ulrich) is an investigator of modern miracles who starts to lose his faith when there is a logical explanation for each of these events. After a young boy, with the power to heal, saves his life while sacrificing his own, Callen sees the words 'God is Now Here' written in his own blood. Paul is more or less recruited by a former Harvard Professor (Angus Macfadyen of ALIAS) to continue these miracle investigations, which may not be from a divine source. He reveals to him that other people have seen that message, but instead of seeing 'God is Now Here', they see 'God is Nowhere'. In fact, the growing number of supernatural occurrences around the world may be signaling that something bad is coming...The Darkness. Also on the team is a former police officer (Marisa Ramirez), who has a bullet lodged in her skull, an example of another 'miracle'. There are stories that deal with ghosts, serial killers, possession and time displacement, each of the 13 episodes well worth the watch. In fact, if this show was airing today, I'm sure it would be up there with MEDIUM and GHOST WHISPERER in terms of ratings.If you missed out on this show this dvd set will be a treat.
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