Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This Ron Howard movie is a western similar in theme to THE SEARCHERS with a slight supernatural undertone to it. Kate Blanchett is a healer who lives in New Mexico. One day her father (Tommy Lee Jones) appears, a man she hasn't seen in over twenty-years. He had left his family to 'go native' and live like the American Indians. Of course, she's still upset with him and tells him to leave, which he does. Shortly after, her oldest daughter is abducted by Indians, who are going to sell her for money once they cross the border into Mexico. But the leader of these Indians possesses supernatural powers-and this complicates things a bit. Towards the end of the movie, during the big showdown, she seems to get smallpox in a matter of minutes, which cuts to the witchdoctor performing the curse. Tommy Lee Jones prays like an Indian-and she returns to normal.There are a few nasty killings, particularly what's done with one of the characters at the beginning of the film, but I would've liked to have seen more of the horror element since that's what the previews of the movie lead you to believe. I wouldn't rent this, though, if you're looking for a horror movie. Rent it if you're looking for a Western.
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