Monster In The Garage (1996)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This double feature, written and directed by Oregon filmmaker Joe Sherlock, is an example of some creative ingenuity at the micro-budget level. You know that when the feature is introduced by a disembodied floating head doing a Criswell impression that the following video isn't going to be all that serious. In the first story Dr Thomas Mobius investigates the origins of strange lifeforms discovered in South America-and becomes involved with some very weird goings on involving government agents, mutants and those pesky 'MIBs' that tend to pop up in alien movies. Actor Tom Shaffer is very believable in the lead as the befuddled scientist. There's also plenty of well done gratuitous gore to spice up this concoction. The second story, MONSTER IN THE GARAGE, while entertaining is a bit long with the party sequence but once the dimestore monster comes along is pretty damn hilarious. The part with the alien savior speaking Japanese instead of English through its translator had me in stitches.
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