This romp through the crazy, in-bred hillbilly family genre is a surprisingly entertaining horror movie, as perfect as an insane killing family movie can get. Two buddies are driving across the Western States to the wedding of a woman they both secretly love. One is very uptight & well organized, the other the complete opposite. Once they get to the wedding they plan on divulging their feelings-though they have to get there first. And that is the problem.They first encounter this 'Monster Truck' when it tries to drive them off the road. This is soon after they stop at a local watering hole and insult the resident rednecks. They think the scare is from some ticked off inbred-and they aren't far wrong. Right after this they pick up a beautiful, mysterious hitchhiker who is dressed in a scanty black outfit. The crass buddy makes all these comments about her and the other one defends her. A sort of contest develops to see which one of them she likes better. In fact, she's so disarming that neither of the friends suspect anything suspicious of her. A very creepy moment is when the trio decide to stop at another roadside bar and notice all of the patrons are missing one of their limbs, which we soon find out is because of that monster man in the monster truck knocking them unconscious and stealing their body parts. For what purpose does he want all of these body parts? Let's just say that the ending of the film takes a turn I totally didn't expect-and it was a refreshing change from your typical TEXAS CHAINSAW wannabee. MONSTER MAN is one of those movies you can easily watch for multiple viewings-it's that entertaining. It's also one of the best horror films to come out in 2004.