Street urchin Peter Pan and his orphan friends work for criminal James Hook (Rhys Ifans), who used to be a member of London Society. They break into a museum to steal a mysterious artifact, which transports them all to a strange land, called Neverland. Hook hooks up with a ship of pirates, who have been their for two hundred years, and becomes the boy-toy of the female captain (Anna Friel of LAND OF THE LOST, PUSHING DAISIES). Peter and his gang become friends with the Indian tribe.
We learn that Neverland is actually an alien world and those fairies, like Tinkerbell, are aliens. The giant crocodiles have a dozen legs, which seems sort of unnecessary. Hook and the pirates want to return to present day London with the power of the fairies and end up burning up their city. Peter is killed and brought back to life and given the power of flight. And there's a BIG falling out between Peter and his mentor, Hook, when something is revealed about Peter's father...
This four-hour movie is from the same director/writer of the SyFy movies TIN MAN and ALICE IN WONDERLAND--and it's better, as I actually watched all of this. But that's sort of like going to the dentist's office and saying "That didn't hurt as much as last time". I still didn't want to really go's boring!