This sequel to Jeff Broadstreet's "Night of the Living Dead remake" is better than the first film, primarily because of the presence of Andrew Divoff and Jeffery Combs. Divoff portays Gerald Tovar, who has inherited a funeral home from his father. He hires a new woman to help because he's having work problems with his current employee, DyeAnne (Robin Sydney of BIG BAD WOLF) a goth chick who seems to like death too much. Tovar knows that the local dead are coming back to life--and he either checks up on the graveyard and permanently disposes of them or locks them up in a room in his funeral home. Complications arise (no pun intended) when his brother Harold (Jeffrey Combs) shows up. The zombies here are the slimy, gory Fulci-esque type and the movie seems like one that could have been made in the 70's. Recommended.