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Night Train Murders (1975)
Movie Review by The Mortician

Night Train Murders (1975) (Aka Last Stop On The Night Train) I've been reading about this one for years, it's been billed as an Italian sequel/rip-off to Wes Craven's LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, and in some countries, I believe it might've been titled LAST HOUSE 2. Anyway, it's definitely a carbon copy of Craven's groundbreaking original film, with little changed. The story deals with two young college girls taking a train trip from Germany to Italy to visit parents at Christmas time. Dad is a surgeon (just like in LAST HOUSE) and mom is a simple Mrs. Brady clone. When two brothers that are crazed thugs board the train, of course they spot the two girls like wolves stalking lambs, and you know what they're after. Just like LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, the movie cross-cuts to the parents readying everything for the girls' coming home: buying gifts, making cookies, throwing a party; all while the girls are assaulted and murdered by the two thugs... There is one kind of neat twist, though, where the thugs meet up with this sex-pervert of a chick, played by ever hot and lusty MILF Macha Meril, a starlet known for starring in Dario Argento's DEEP RED and a few other Italian horror classics. Meril gets it on willingly with one of the thugs, forcing the girls to watch in a confined cabin, and when they don't like what they see, this annoys her so she joins in with the felons on raping and murdering the girls! So she transforms from sex pervert to sex killer in the proceedings, pretty much so we get the Krueg-Sadie-Weasel team assaulting the girls. The isolation and confinement of the train give the movie a claustrophobic feel and while the assault scenes aren't nearly as graphic as LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT or I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, they are damn brutal and awful all the same. Disposing of the bodies was pretty wicked as well, throwing them out of the moving train cars---these killers are pretty heartless. Of course, the three villains end up getting off the train and staying with the doctor and his wife (in an unlikely scene of coincidence!) and the parents get news that their daughter and her friend have been killed and a description of the perps just happens to be...the guests staying at their home! Ahhhh, so the good Doc and his wife take the law into their own hands, and I was a bit disappointed with the revenge the parents got at the end. Was pretty simple stuff involving fistfights, strangling, and guns, no over-the-top kills like Craven staged where it was much more fun to watch the villains get their just desserts. Still, if you like rape-revenge thrillers and are a fan of all the crazy stuff that LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT inspired back in the day, this is definitely a must-see!

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