Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This UK sitcom is hilarious, more fun than MYSTERY MEN.
The premise is that there really are superheroes and that they don't exactly act like heroes. Much of the story takes place at a pub called "The Fortress", where the Heros hang out and talk about their day's exploits (or not). Here they aren't able to use their powers and the pub's bouncer, Monkey Thunder, enforces this. His power is that he can summon monkeys to help him, though it may take several hours for the primates to show up.
The main characters are ElectroClash, who can command machines, the incredibly strong She-Force, Timebomb, who can see 60 seconds into the future, and The Hotness, who can control heat. The Hotness is always being picked on by the "Superman"-like Exelsor, who refers to him as anything from Hotpockets to "The Gayness".
Electroclash is always getting in trouble for petty crimes, like stealing cigarettes from a cigarette machine, She-Force is trying to get a date. Timebomb is taking a break from super-heroing as he figures out his anger issues and The Hotness simply wants to be as famous as Exelsor.
This is an extremely funny superhero spoof, highly recommended.
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - 0 votes cast total