Movie Review by The Undertaker
Cool Italian flick with David 'The Beyond ' Warbeck trying to help stop a city from either being turned into blood sucking zombies or getting blown off the map in order to save the larger populace from contamination by whatever's causing people to be turned into bloodsucking zombies. Got it? Good, simple huh? Pretty good movie with lots of blood (i'm sure a bloodier European version exists as well) and a nasty-assed lookin' Doctor /scientist that starts all this shit in the 1st place. Just goes to show what happens when you experiment with those home science kits. More often than not you get turned into a hamburger-faced ghoul than you get Kelly Lebrock so be warned kiddies. You get to see lots of cool scenes of our horrible manthing slithering around, killing, and spreading his condition to others. Some fairly decent gore and a little nudity will awake you thru the slow parts. Was better than I expexcted, though I never expect much.
Rating: 5.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total