Art Student Danny Sloan is visiting his friend Billy at the local psychiatric hospital when he sees the beautiful Laura Baxter sleeping in her room. She has a medical condition called Parasomnia, and sleeps most of her life away, awakening for only brief times. He learns that she's to become the latest experiment for an evil doctor so he rescues her and sneaks her out of the hospital. But she's more than he can handle. At first she acts like a kid, then she becomes more violent. But this violence is because of her connection with serial killer Volpe, who was also kept at that psychiatric hospital. He is able to possess her body while she's sleeping.
Although there is some very cool imagery, such as the various nightmares and the entire end sequence, which takes place in a weird art exhibit, the movie is convoluted and not believable by any stretch of the imagination. For example, when Danny asks questions about the sleeping girl and the doctor freely divulges all this personal information about her. In the end, when the killer from the hospital is able to possess her through her dreams, it's NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET territory, which by now is old hat.I'm a big Bill Malone fan and loved HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL and FEARDOTCOM. However, I'd rather just forget this movie.