We all are familiar with the story of Pinocchio. The bad little wooden boy who was cursed to have his nose grow when he lied... and was followed around by a cricket to serve as his conscious. Its a shame that Kevin Tenney didn't have a cricket of his own to follow him around to say, 'don't make this movie'. A defense attorney brings home a piece of evidence from a murder case. Exhibit A, a little wooden puppet named Pinocchio which was created by a convicted killer. The DA's daughter thinks that the puppet is her birthday present and becomes attached to it and refuses to give it up. She is tricked into cutting the puppet's strings which sets it loose on a killing spree. While this flick started off giving the vibe of a psychological thriller, it ended by giving off a vibe that rivals many sleep aids on the market. There was a decent amount of killings and a few naked bodies which kept me mildly entertained. Unfortunately, that is about all that I can say good about this movie. Exhibit B, me asleep on the couch.