Right behind Jaws sits Piranha, my next bestest killer-fish film. Seeing those swarms of mean little fuckers turn the river water red is just as much fun now as it was when I was a child. Great script, great acting, great FX, and great direction by Joe Dante make Piranha a bit more than just another Jaws rip-off. You can call it Bradford Dillman's finest hour too! Keenan Wynn gets his feet nibbled on, Barbara Steele is in on the plot, and a bunch of kids (and their rafts) get the bite. As with most things, the government has been making these killer fish as some sort of military tool, guess they didn't figure 'em getting loose into some river near a camp huh? I love that noise the piranhas make whenever they appear on screen to attack. You gotta love that noise! The fact that there are so many of them as opposed to just one animal makes this cool to me too. The fish look mean as hell and kill plenty of people not smart enough to heed the warning (as always) and get out of the water. The movie poster and video box art for the film look awesome as well. If you've never seen this or have only seen the piss poor remake, then by all means go find it! This film needed no fuckin' remake folks, trust me. One fish, two fish, red fish, dead people, okay, maybe I'm not Dr. Seuss, but you get the picture. The movie is a classic, no doubt about it. The only thing I've seen that comes close to Jaws for my money. It was sad to see 'em die at the end, but then there was part two...oh my!