Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
Number three unbelievably wraps up this Pirates story arc nicely and may be the best of the lot. More incredible FX, a plot with twists like a roller coaster, great fights, and salty sea dogs (did I just type that? Hahahaha!), give you more fun than a barrel of rum and a room full of wenches. Sparrow cheats death once again, loses his ship again, and ends up doing the right thing on purpose by films end. All the twists and fates of the characters from the 1st two films are finally revealed, resolved, and we get a cool, in some ways sad ending. The strange relationship between Swann, Sparrow, and Turner is resolved. Gotta love the wedding scene. The monkey and parrot survive (oops, spoilers mate). We see what's in Davey Jones locker and chest, yuck. He ends up being a sad character in many ways once we see what's caused his miserable fate. Loved his accent. I was surprised to see Chow Yun Fat in here, interesting career he's had. The poor Kraken's dead, damn it. I liked that thing. Funny how Miss Swann went from a governor's daughter to a pirate king by the end of the 3rd film, but looked oh so hot doing it. This series, if this be the end, was a surprisingly great trilogy. The door's open for a fourth though and I'd be happy to see it. Did we get to see Jack's daddy here? The beginning of the film and much of the 1st half is really weird and odd to me. I'll give credit when it's due and Disney did make some magic with these films. I went from not even seeing the 1st to seeing all 3 in 2 days. I had to see this after part 2 just to see what happened. Glad I did.
Rating: 7.6 out of 10.0 - 5 votes cast total