Movie Review by The Gravedigger
In this Gene Roddenberry follow-up to GENESIS II, John Saxon portrays Dylan Hunt, a man who was frozen in 1974 and awakened 150 years. He now is the leader of an exploratory team for a society called PAX, who want to restore civilization to the rest of the world. On one mission they are attacked by the Kreegs, lumpy headed mutants who utilize the old world industrial technology. These creatures drive around in ancient cars converted to run on burning wood. They injure one of the team-and the group rushes back to PAX. They come to the conclusion that the only way to save him is to find a reputed heart surgeon who disappeared a year before. They follow his trail and discover a city of amazonian women, who keep men as slaves.And that's where the surgeon has been captive for the past year. The women keep reign over the men by drugging their food with a substance that makes them extremely fearful and subservient. When the Kreegs attack the amazons, demanding the secret of 'making men into rabbits', the Pax members fight, along with all the men in the town. Dylan Hunt had put an antidote in their food the night before so that they were no longer chicken-shit. The good guys win, the Amazons agree not to drug their men anymore and Pax has won over another society.
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