In the opening scene we see a group of Priests, special warriors who fight vampires, invade a vampire hive. They realize it's a trap and one of them is dragged off by the vampires. Then, during the animated title sequence, it's explained how mankind and vampires have always been at war--and that the last war almost destroyed the world. Now, the majority of humans live in huge, gated cities, and the vampires are believed to be on reservations.
When the Priest (Paul Bettany) learns that his brother's family was attached out in the fringes and his niece kidnapped he decides to go against the Church and rescue her. And, of course, kill lots of vampires. These vampires a different than in most movies, pretty much their own creature. They are gray, hairless, animalistic and eyeless. Their mouths are more like that of lamprey eels than anything else. There are humans called "familiars", who are partially contaminated by the vampires, and they all look like Nosferatu, with the yellow eyes, white skin and bald heads.
The Priest learns that these vampires are now being led by a new type of creature, "Black Hat". He's the first human vampire, ever, created by the vampire queen. After he was captured in that first scene she forced him to drink her blood. Now, he's more powerful than any vampire or Priest. He had kidnapped the niece because he wants his old friend to join him in taking over the world. A new vampire army has been born and they've taken over a high speed train that connects the cities. The humans will not know what hit them.
I was surprised how much I enjoyed this flick. From the previews I thought I'd be watching a "video game" like SUCKER PUNCH. Instead, I got a highly entertaining, fast-paced vampire futuristic western. Think "THE ROAD WARRIOR crossed with RESIDENT EVIL and you'll get the idea. Recommended.