This new Hammer film takes place in 1972, with a college professor, Joseph Coupland (Jared Harris), trying to prove that all ghost/possessions stem from the "victim's" telekinetic abilities. He's taken a young girl, Jane Harper (Olivia Cooke) out of an asylum and believes that if he can make her ability go away she'll be cured. Also involved in the experiment are some college students and Brian, a photographer who soon develops feelings for Jane. When the Professor's funding is pulled by the university they go to an old house. At first, things go okay-- then Jane starts manifesting her abilities, which include ectoplasm coming out of her mouth and the ability to create fire.
THE QUIET ONES goes for a low-key approach, along the lines of the original THE HAUNTING or THE INNOCENTS--but, unfortunately, this familiar story has been so many times I felt like I was watching a rerun. I was honestly bored, even with the surprise revelation at the end. I did like the downbeat ending, though it was predictable. And I thought it amusing that all the scares stem from loud noises. The recent Hammer Production films have all been a bit too sedate--they need to make something along the lines of the Dracula and Frankenstein series with today's special effects.