Rasputin The Mad Monk (1965)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This Hammer version of the real life Rasputin story is interesting and Christopher Lee gives a suitably over-the-top performance as the pseudo-monk. For those lacking in the history department, Rasputin was the spiritual advisor of the Romanov family, the last Tsar, reputed to being a manipulative and violent personality. In this film version it's shown how he corrupts a servant of the Czarina and eventually infiltrates the royal family through her. He's mostly concerned not with helping people but by having power over them. In the end his dastardly deeds catch up with him and after a failed attempt at poisoning he's thrown off a balcony to die in the fall. I'm not sure why Hammer Studios didn't stick with the real version of his demise-poisoned, shot, then drowned. That would've shown how difficult it was to kill him. Still, an interesting movie about a character with no redeeming qualities.
Rating: 7.2 out of 10.0 - 5 votes cast total