Ravenous is a cannibalistic tale involving a recently promoted Captain by the name of John Boyd (played by Guy Pearce) who serves in the United States Army during the Mexican American War. After receiving his new rank, his commanding officer addresses Boyd's cowardice during field operations and transfers him to a remote fort situated in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Upon arriving, Boyd listens to a tale of cannibalism by a delirious man by the name of Colqhoun,(Robert Carlyle) who stumbles into the fort in search of assistance. Colqhoun and the rest of his traveling party were lost in the wilderness and resorted to cannibalism to avoid starvation.
This film was actually recommended to me by a friend and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised, considering Steve hates every movie on the planet. Viewers of this film have drawn parallels to the Donner party, a grim tale of cannibalism in the 1800's that made history. I'm not well versed on that topic, but from what I do know about it, I can see the similarities. I wouldn't classify this movie as pure horror - it seems more like a thriller but we all know how fine that line is. There are several tense moments and forks in the road to keep things intriguing; leading up to a closing act that wraps things up nicely, even leaving the viewer something to think about further.
So should you, or should you not watch Ravenous? Well...I can't think of too many movies that involve 1800's cannibalism while blending old Native American folklore, so I'm going to give the go-ahead on this one. There are plenty of gun fights and action sequences to entertain the most lighthearted of movie-goers while offering a dark side that will appeal to the horror fanatic.