Movie Review by The Gravedigger
In this Italian, English speaking movie, a twelve-year-old named Jenny has some very serious psychological problems. She loves to kill people. As soon as her grandmother arrives in Rome to take her back to New York City after her mother presumably abandoned her, we start to see how odd Jenny is. She has an 'invisible' friend she calls George, which looks like a guy in a red robe wearing a stylized wolf mask. It's 'George' who does the killings. She targets people who she views as bad, such as a woman stealing a bottle of wine from a store-or her dentist, who is having an affair with his secretary. She feels as if it's her job to punish them.When she can't convince her grandmother to stay in Italy, Jenny drugs her with sleeping pills and drills holes in her knees, so she can't leave the apartment. She also feeds her small amounts of peanut butter, which she is allergic to, and this keeps her mouth swollen so she can't scream for help. It's like MISERY meets THE LITTLE GIRL WHO LIVES DOWN THE LANE.Surprisingly gory and well-acted, this is definitely a horror movie worth renting. From MTI Video.www.mtivideo.com
Rating: 7.0 out of 10.0 - 3 votes cast total