Movie Review by The Gravedigger
It's about two hundred years in the future and most things are relatively low-tech. Dr. Gabriel Goode (Peter Stebbings of JEREMIAH, NEVER CRY WEREWOLF) is hired to get the daughter of a rich ice miner, Clara a new pair of legs since she was born with mutant stumps. Goode takes a train up North, finds the huge, secluded house that belongs to this eccentric family, the Fielders. He takes the girl's measurements, then drops the info off at the limb regeneration place, which is a bit unsettling with all these body parts floating in tanks. He asks the lab tech if there's a place nearby for him to stay since he has to wait until the morning to pick them up. He gets the door slammed in his face--then has a fainting spell, due to his prosthetic heart. The heart is the one organ they haven't been able to grow and his only other option is a donor transplant, which will probably never happen.
The next day he returns to the Fielder House and performs the operation to attach the legs. He stays a few weeks and makes sure she can walk on them. In the meantime, she's developing feelings for him. And it's clear that her father has an incestuous intent towards her. In fact, it's revealed that she was adopted by Mr. Fielder because she so resembled his dead wife. Now that she has her legs she wants to escape her captive life. But Goode has another heart attack and she wants to literally give him her heart.
REGENERATION is a very low-key, engaging movie with minimal effects. It's a realistic view of the future, a cross between BLADE RUNNER and a Western. This was shot in 2004 as THE LIMB SALESMAN.
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - 0 votes cast total