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Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)
Movie Review by The Undertaker

Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004) I admit I like the second RE way better than part one. The 1st I felt was a little too action/adventure oriented. This one, while also packing much of the same in the action category, felt more horror/sci-fi and is just plain better. The zombies in Apocalypse are actually more of the traditional type of shit I'd wanted to see. Compare this film to the Dawn remake and I'd say this is 100% better! While most things are still over the top, the monsters and the story are good, making this more fun to me than the original. I will say that 15 minutes in I was like oh hell, this shit is gonna suck, but luckily it improves greatly after. I hated all the chop-chop editing. Note to filmmakers, if you're story is good enough; you don't need rapid-fire bullshit to hold an audience's attention, even the ADD crowds of today. Thankfully, that disappears as things move along. Jill Valentine looks hot in this one.... real damn hot! I'm not sure what type of duty she was pulling before, but she shows up wearing an outfit that should put her in the vice squad trying to entrap 'johns'. Speaking of prostitution, I liked the pimp character in this one. He was funny at the right moments, as this film isn't about a bunch of ha-ha. Mila Jerkmeoffbitch looks good here too, though her nipples are way bigger than her tits. She reminds me off Ripley in Alien: Resurrection in thise. I like the way we get some questions from the 1st film answered, while still leaving more at the end, and of course wide open for part trois. The Nemesis is awesome as are all the creatures and zombies. Though RE2 doesn't pack in nearly the blood and gore it should for the subject matter, it does have a few cool, nasty moments, not nearly as many as needed to me. I loved the old graveyard scene and the rotting, maggot-faced skull at the end may have been a lil' homage to Lucio Fulci, though I doubt it. Still, nice to see some actually zombies rise from the dead again. My question is how did the dead, already buried catch the T-Virus? So you see, RE2 does have some loopholes here and there. Guess somebody was a necrocannbal or necrophiliac and past it on. I doubt anyone will be disappointed with Apocalypse and it's worth the trip.
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