Movie Review by The Cryptkeeper
While on a road trip across country with her boyfriend, a young woman is pulled into a cat-and-mouse game with a deranged psychopath, after her boyfriend is abducted at the rest stop. They are on their way out to the west coast to start a new life but they decide to stop at a nasty rest stop along the way. Shortly after the girl returns from using the oh so sanitary facilities... her boyfriend and his car are missing. Turns out he was taken by some guy in an old truck. Who this guy was is anyone's guess... even the writers probably do not know... and if they did... they didn't bother telling us. That is just the first of the many, many plot holes in this stinker. So then, the girl wanders around the rest stop doing much of nothing while the killer drops by every so often in his truck to terrorize her a little. Then he leaves. Yet, she hangs around for no good reason. Maybe she could have headed down the road to find help... or just made herself scarce by dropping into any one of the gaping maw-like plot holes in the story. There is even an inhabited mobile home just sitting there that she doesn't seem to take much interest in... other than to notice the flash of someone taking Polaroid shots inside. We finally meet the freak show, bible thumping inhabitants of the mobile home... but there was very little point in that. Come to think of it, there was very little point to anything going on here. The only redeeming factor... if it is possible that there was one.. was that we got to see Joey Lawrence get hit by a truck and then take 2 close-range bullets to the head. While that is pretty close to the top of my wish list of things to see or hopefully do... it just wasn't enough to save this dung heap. If you feel the need to see this... and I hope that you don't... make sure you stop by a local rest stop and flush it down the crust-infested crapper that you find inside after the fact.
Rating: 4.8 out of 10.0 - 20 votes cast total