Return of Captain Nemo, The (1978)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Jose Ferrer portrays the pompous Captain who is awakened from his frozen sleep by two Navy guys. The villain is a crazy scientist bent on world domination, Dr. Waldo Cunningham (Burgess Meredith), who has his own sub called the Raven, crewed by henchmen and robots. His main robot is Tor, this Frankenstein looking thing who constantly has something to say.
This was shown as one of the first mini-series, back in the late seventies, but it's really three episodes. Actress Lynda Day George (Day of the Animals) shows up in the second episode at Kate, and she becomes a new crew member by the end of the episode. In the third episode Captain Nemo finds the lost continent of Atlantis and a civilization that has burrowed beneath the ocean floor.
This doesn't have the charm of any of Irwin Allen's previous television series. It's a pale imitation of VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA and seems more like some episodes of MAN FROM ATLANTIS than anything else.
Rating: 7.0 out of 10.0 - 3 votes cast total