Movie Review by The Gravedigger
ReVAMPED is an entertaining vampire movie that takes its cues from such past fare as the Hammer Dracula movies to BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER and even A RETURN TO SALEM'S LOT, while at the same time creating its own particular vampire mythos. And written, produced, and directed by, not to mention starring, Jeff Rector, that is no small feat. The guy knows and loves his genre and it shows.
After he finds out that his new wife has been cheating on him he decides to commit suicide but instead opts for becoming a vampire after seeing an add on late-night television. A vampiress, Lilith, comes over to transform him and he dies. Unfortunately, before he can rise as a vampire his cheating wife has him cremated. Five years pass until an accident happens that mixes his ashes with blood and he returns to a much different world. There has been a war against the vampires and he has to figure out where he belongs. He befriends a group of half-breeds, who have the desire to drink blood but aren't immortal.
There's lots of cameos by name actors, from Martin Kove to Anne Lockhart to Bill Drago to Carel Struycken and Sam Jones. Best of all is Tane McClure as Lilith, who makes a damn good vampiress with a heart.
ReVAMPED is a fun genre movie which successfully treads the line of being entertaining without being a spoof.
Check out the recent interviews with director/producer Jeff Rector and actress Tane' McClure.
Official Website: http://www.revampedthemovie.com/
Rating: 8.0 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total