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Road, The (2007)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger

Road, The (2007) THE WILD MAN OF THE NAVIDAD (2007)

What impressed me most about this Austin, Texas shot independent movie is that it looks and feels exactly like a 70's horror flick, which is very cool.

The premise is that a bigfoot-like creature is living in the wilds and starts attacking people when the owner of the land opens up the property during deer hunting season. He just got fired and he needs the money. The landowner,

The special effects are old time mostly real animal guts, which gives it some uncomfortable realism. The acting ranges from very good to non-actors, so that's uneven (but these types of movies have uneven acting).

THE ROAD (2007):

This is a short directed by Ron Ford, part of an upcoming GOREGOYLES movie.

In the first few minutes a drug dealer crashes his truck into a tree along a deserted looking road and manages to walk away, though he looks gravely injured. Every time he's about to pass out he gets glimpses of zombies. Then we go to the next day, where a mean-spirited businesswoman is talking in her car to one of her business partners. She wants to fire someone who was integral to the company but her partner doesn't want to go along with this, primarily because he's involved with the woman and knows such a thing will devastate her and probably their relationship. The business woman doesn't care, though, as goes so far as to blackmail him with some information she dug up on him on the internet. He almost shoots himself but decides not to. Meanwhile, the businesswoman hits the guy we saw at the beginning of the movie right after she sees a zombie and tries to drive off. Only she's stuck and ends up giving the injured guy a ride. She tells him she saw a zombie and he explains the legend of the road---that whoever dies on it stays there and he wants to get off it before he dies and is trapped there forever. Least to say things don't work out exactly how they want them to.

I thought this segment was just okay, primarily because the story was so familiar to ROUTE 666 and the recent movie WIND CHILL, which also has a ghost/zombie haunted road. Also, the effects are sub-par, particularly this half-zombie that's sticking out of the ground. It looks exactly like what it is a mechanical Halloween prop looking like a mechanical Halloween prop. But the most distracting this is the background music which doesn't fit the segment whatsoever. I think Ford's California shot movies are much better, as the production crew/support in Washington just isn't on the same level and it reflects badly on the movie.

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