Rockabilly Vampire (2001)
Movie Review by The Demonlord
(Originally titled BURNIN' LOVE) With all the campy, graphic, and down right fun that Troma studios brings with their films, that this reviewer has grown to love, you might be expecting the same from a film titled 'Rockabilly Vampire.' You'd be wrong. Rockabilly Vampire is a tale of Eddie (Stevenson), an Elvis look-a-like vampire locked into a rockabilly lifestyle due to the vampiric bite he recieved from his brother in 1956. We meet him in modern day New York where he is on the run from his brother Wrecks (Blackeheart). Wrecks wants nothing more to be a family again and by biting his brother one more time he will be able to control him for eternity.Eddie, while on the run, crosses paths with Iris (Lancaster), a woman who dreams of Elvis and at first believes Eddie to be the King himself. When he tells her the story of his vampiric existance, she helps Eddie in his race from his brother Wrecks and his two stereotypical goons, all the while falling in love with one another.Even though Rockabilly Vampire strays from the typical Troma style it doesn't seem to hurt the film any. The acting is above par, the story was solid compared to other Troma films, but the sound was lacking. Voices were quiet and sometimes drowned out by the soundtrack. This is not common throughout the film, very sporadic.Overall, I'd recommend Rockabilly Vampire to all those who love a good low budget horror film. Just don't build yourself up for a typical Troma experience. This film takes itself seriously.
Rating: 3.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total